
Charter Mark

Ladywell Primary School was awarded the Charter Mark Award in 2004 and 2007. This prestigious award was given to the school after our in depth application, presentation of evidence and and half day inspections proved us to be worthy of the awards. The award looks at the following areas and the school is continually assessed over the next three years. Standards have to be maintained and improved and the school will continue to do this.

Areas addressed are:

  • Set Standards and Perform Well
  • Be actively engaged with your Users, Partners and Staff
  • Be Fair and Accessible to All and Promote Choice
  • Continuously Develop and Improve
  • Use Resources Effectively
  • Continue to Enhance Opportunity and Quality of Life in the Committees you serve

As we have earned the award we are proud to use the logo on all our letters and documents and fly the Charter Mark Flag in our school grounds.

Enterprise Education Gold Award
The school was awarded a gold award in 2004 for our work in Enterprise Education. We are maintaining and developing this good work.

Eco Award
Ladywell Primary School has achieved its 3rd “Green Flag” ECO Award in May 2010. This award has proved we are an ECO school and have undertaken projects in the following areas:

  • Gardening
  • Recycling
  • Health
  • Litter
  • Energy
  • Waste Minimisation
  • Water
  • Global Issues

Health Promoting School
Early in 2005 we received the Bronze Award, the Silver Award in May, and the Gold Award in October 2006.

Fairtrade Award
Ladywell Primary School became a ‘Fairtrade Achiever’ School in October 2016. This award has proved that we have fully embedded Fairtrade into our school daily life and work to raise awareness of Fairtrade in our local community.

Sports Scotland Gold Award
Ladywell Primary School was awarded the ‘Gold Sports Scotland Award’ in June 2017. Throughout the assessment process we were encouraged to reflect on our current practice and focus on continual improvement. We were supported in the improvement of the quality and quantity of physical education, physical activity, and sport opportunities we make available to our children and young people. We were thrilled to earn this award for the second time in 2024 and were recognised for our commitment to continuous improvement in school sport and physical activity.

Rights Respecting School Bronze Award
In June 2018 Ladywell Primary School was awarded the ‘Rights Respecting School Bronze Award’. Achieving this award means we have evidenced that:

  • We have introduced the ‘RRSA Three Strands’ into our school community.
  • Our school’s senior leadership team has understood what is involved in the Award and is committed to embarking on the ‘UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Journey’.
  • The right foundations are in place for our school’s journey to the second stage of the Award: ‘Silver – Rights Aware’.

Rights Respecting School Silver Award
In February 2024 our school reached the second stage of our Rights Respecting Schools journey when we were awarded our Silver Award. This comes from us making good progress in embedding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into our school ethos and curriculum. We are now on our journey to Gold!

Digital Schools Award Scotland
In 2018 our school was awarded the ‘Digital Schools Award’. Achieving this award means we met the following criteria:

  1. Leadership & Vision – we have a digital technology strategy, and a positive attitude towards digital technology.
  2. Digital Technology Integration in the Curriculum – we integrate digital technology across the curriculum. Our staff demonstrate a clear understanding of how digital technology can be used to improve learning.
  3. School Digital Technology Culture – we demonstrate an awareness that digital technology affects the quality of learning and teaching, pupil attitudes and behaviour, and the school community.
  4. Continuing Professional Development – we demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional development in ICT, informing teachers of courses in professional development, as well as offering general support.
  5. Resources & Infrastructure – we have appropriate ICT resources, including hardware, software and infrastructure to support particular learning environments, and reflect plans for ICT development as outlined in our school’s digital policies.