The Parent Council of Ladywell Primary School comprises of six parents, two co-opted members, one member of the teaching staff and the Head Teacher.
The role of the Head Teacher to the Parent Council is that of professional adviser.
The Parent Council meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6.30pm in Ladywell Primary School. At present the Chairperson of the Council is Steven Kidd. The Parent Members are Andrea Lavelle (Treasurer), Vicki McGoldrick, Laura Owens and Angela Bayne (Secretary). Our two co-opted members are Susan Duncan and Rev. Derek Pope. The Teacher representative will vary at each meeting and professional adviser to the council is Sharron Winning (H.T.)
Minutes of the Parent Council Meetings can be seen in the foyer of the school and on the school’s website.
Members of the council can be contacted via Ladywell Primary School.
The Parent Council’s rights and duties include:
- supporting the school;
- representing the views of parents
- consulting with parents and reporting back to the Parent Forum on matters of interest;
- promoting contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the wider community;
- fundraising;
- taking part in the selection of senior promoted staff;
- receiving reports from the head teacher and education authority; and
- receiving an annual budget for administration, training and other expenses.
Members of Parent Councils, on a voluntary basis, may also have an advisory role in decisions on placing request by parents in respect of those situations where the number of placing requests for a particular school or for a particular stage in a particular school exceeds the number of places available.