School Meals

School meals are served in our cashless cafeteria. There is a kitchen which has excellent facilities for on site preparation of food. Special medical dietary requirements may be provided on consultation with the cafeteria supervisor.

Special Diets

Diets required as a result of a medical condition (a medically prescribed diet e.g. coelic disease, diabetes, food allergy or intolerance) can be provided in school. A medically prescribed diet form must be completed by the child’s Registered Dietician or General Practitioner. Occasionally, parents/carers may be asked to supply prescription foods or attend a meeting to discuss the child’s dietary requirements.

Free School Meals

ALL Primary 1 to Primary 5 pupils are entitled to receive a free school meal.

This will be available in all primary schools automatically with no eligibility criteria linked to benefits.

Primary 6 & Primary 7 Free School Meals

These are available to parents who are receiving income support or income-based job seekers allowance and whose children attend a school in North Lanarkshire.

Applications are available from schools, first stop shops and education area offices.

Further information can be found on North Lanarkshire council website:

Children whose parents are in receipt of income support or job seekers allowance (income based) will be entitled to free milk.

Packed Lunches

If weather permits, children are allowed to eat their packed lunch outside, during the months of May, June, August and September only, otherwise they eat these in the dining room.

For safety reasons, please use only cartons or small plastic containers for drinks – (not glass bottles or cans) since these may become the cause of accidents. No lollipops are permitted.

Children who do not go to the cafeteria to buy their meal or eat their packed lunch are considered to have gone home for lunch.

Home Lunches

If your child is in Primary 1 to Primary 4 and is a home lunch they must be collected from the school office at 12pm and return to school at 12:45pm. If your child is in Primary 5 to Primary 7 and have lunch permission/walking permission they are able to walk home alone otherwise they must also be collected from the school office. They will be dismissed at 12:45pm and should return to school at 1:30pm.

Breakfast Club

All primary schools in North Lanarkshire operate a breakfast club. Our school breakfast club is available for all pupils from 8.15am until 8.50am and operates at the discretion of our headteacher. Children should enter the Dining Room via the main entrance of our school, using the gate to the playground at the edge of the carpark.

Breakfast consists of cereal, milk and toast. This is free to pupils who are in Primary 1 to Primary 5 and for pupils in Primary 6 & 7 who receive free school meals. For all other pupils the cost is £1 per day with a sliding scale for families of two at £1.50 per day and families of three at £1.80 per day.

Tuck Shop

The school tuck shop sells only toast, healthy biscuits, fresh fruit and fruit juices. This is organised and run by the school’s catering staff.